Little Pot of Gold
What gold did we find?
(The results of all this data)
Fairytales and chasing rainbows and finding little pots of gold… are the stories we’ve been told true?
The data illustrates that the Little Pot of Gold designs (all 24 of them) meet the definition of 'True Net Zero'...
So which is the most valuable?
You can’t put a price on health (actually you could but it is very hard!)
There are smarter choices available
There are solutions that are healthy for people and planet
Focus on quality not quantity
Building Science proven outcomes - can you afford to leave it to chance?
Operational Carbon can be measured with tools like the PHPP during the design stage, quality assured with blower-doors/thermal-imaging/IEQ monitors and then correlated to actual energy use
Embodied Carbon can only be accounted for using creative calculations with unsophisticated and inconsistent calculators
Choose eco bio-based natural materials (locally-sourced timber, straw, hemp)
Avoid concrete and structural steel
The ratio of total carbon for a building is still much higher with Operational Energy in Australian buildings. However with the move to 7-stars (and beyond to Passivhaus performance drastically reducing carbon emissions due to heating & cooling) then Embodied Carbon becomes a bigger part of the pie. As the grid decarbonises this increasingly becomes so for all projects (even the poor performers)
Focus on #efficiencyfirst (& building science) to get the thermal envelope right first. Don’t just put on more Solar Panels (they have a large amount of embodied carbon that we need to avoid!).
Passivhaus emphasis on insulation leads to lightweight construction (Passivhaus & lower embodied-carbon can be perfectly aligned)
Heavy carbon-intensive thermal mass is not required with Passivhaus
Ensure appropriate levels of insulation in walls/roofs/floors - this varies due to location and climate
Understand equity and real cost-differences between states (i.e. generally Sydney construction is more expensive than Melbourne, but to meet Passivhaus it costs more in Melbourne due to extra thick walls….)
Building costs vary across the country. Building new houses is a substantial investment. However, the elements that drive thermal performance are only ~25% of the overall cost. Prioritisation is key!
Cost of external thermal envelope versus cost of everything inside
Affordability of Passivhaus construction produced at mass scale (no one builds their own car design!)
The "Chasing Rainbows" designs
Achieved high star ratings due to using concrete as thermal mass - however we have proven this is not necessary to obtain the desired outcomes of low operational-energy and low embodied-energy.
Have no quality assurance of a healthy indoor-environment, reliable levels of comfort (temperature and humidity), no reliable ventilation strategy, unknown heating/cooling loads and running costs. (Our other options that were modelled using the Passivhaus Planning Package PHPP reduce this performance gap).
Leave a lot of uncertainty for the homeowner about what they’re actually investing in.